Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Renewing Visions

I'm waiting for a moment.
I moment when it all comes together.
When everything I've believed is seen,
When all that I have waited for, 
All that I have had faith in,
Comes to pass.
I am waiting for fulfillment.
A promise brought to completion.
Time stretches forth like the skin over my bones
I'm being whisked away by the hope for today,
Taken through the gateway that
Brings me safely through the morning.
I journey on
Through fragmented days,
Divided up in moments of
Contentment and frustration.
I'm in a constant state of wonder.
My greed overtook me,
It captivated my mind and
I became a prisoner of this warfare.
I lost sight of the original purpose.
I regarded my own understanding
As one worth obeying.
My weak nature was commanding my movements,
Creating patterns of obsession,
Declaring the false results of a false outcome...
At least for this day.
Now, I feel as if I'm right back to the beginning..
The same place before this all began.
This is for the redemption of the purpose.
To freshly give the purest heart I have and
Wait as He correctly administers
What He had set out to do.
On Him I will wait.
The trustworthy One.
The honest One.
The Perfecter.
The Fulfiller.

Who Am I?

Sometimes I wonder about myself... I have this daily battle of the things I enjoy and desire being wrong or shameful... or that just because I desire something, or have a certain thought about a thing, that I should shut it down because it must certainly be displeasing to the Lord.

What I am discovering lately is that He made me explicitly... uniquely me.  My inward and outward makeup is unlike any other person created... and that is an amazing concept!  So why have I tried so hard to conceal the person who Christ has made me.  Now, there is discernment.  And there is dying to the flesh, the sinful nature... I should not indulge in these desires and walk by the Spirit.  "Anyone who names the name of the Lord is to abstain from wickedness," 2 Tim. 2:19.  The Spirit lives inside of ME... the ME whom He created... I have certain behaviours and thoughts and desires that are good and I must let myself live freely in these things BECAUSE the Spirit is inside of me.  So I wonder if as I try to manipulate myself to become what I think pleases the Lord that I hinder the full work of the Spirit in my life.  Living this way is burdensome... but HIS yolk is light.  He is not pressuring me or weighing me down with these things.  He doesn't want me to change the how He has made me, only to abstain from wickedness and pursue godliness.  I can do that and still be who I am supposed to be... Its okay to be free in that... the Spirit working in me and using me in the special way He designed it for MY life.

How am I going to be able to use the gifts He has given me if I keep hesitating out of fear?  Fear of failing, fear of being wrong... I know the Lord does not make us anxious, but I think there is a difference in being anxious about something and not needing to act on it and then being anxious about something you need to do but are afraid to do it.  Usually I can discern what is spirit and what is flesh, even if its just slightly.  Since I do have the Spirit living in me, I wonder if sometimes my "instincts" are inspired from Him.  I just usually shut off and question my initial reaction to something because I just assume its flesh, but as He is renewing me, maybe its not that way.  Maybe I just need to operate in more faith in regards to walking by the Spirit... I can't WALK by the spirit if I'm not moving at all.

I want to be FREE.  I want to ENJOY who He has made me and the things He wants me to do.  I am tired of thinking I am always thinking, doing, desiring the wrong things.. that I'm always on the brink of displeasing God.  That's just not who He is!  He loves me and wants to see me flourish and be FREE... in HIM.  Its going to be a wonderful process to walk through with Him as He shows me who I am... and that I am worth loving.. and that I have a lot to offer.  I've believed for so long that I am unworthy of love, that there is nothing special or interesting about me.  I have suppressed myself for so long... tried to hide who I am for fear of rejection or not living up to someone else's [unsaid] expectations or displeasing someone... If I don't comply with whoever the other person is, that they would get tired of me.  That I was inferior to everyone and I needed to be more, or something different, than I was.  I'm just afraid of being wrong almost all the time, if its something I'm not sure about or comfortable with.

Now, as I reflect on past years, I see much, much progress in this area, but I also see that I am still held captive by this in a lot of ways.  So here's to truly, finally embracing the fact that it is not bad to embrace and live as the person my Father created me to be.  I'm welcoming freedom.  Walking in bravery, not fear.  To let go of this unneeded burden.  And to enjoy my life in Christ.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I recently become aware of an evasion of my life.  This feeling of discomfort coupled with sorrow is not one I hold in favour.  In fact, I dislike the feeling very much... the feeling that you've lost pieces of life.  The small, secret moments that should be remembered forever, are actually distorted.

Do you ever come away from a moment in time with no real solid memory?  Perhaps it was a party of some sort, a simple visit with a good friend, a holiday with family, a road trip, something pleasing that should remain with you always, but all you can recall is the food you ate, the movies you watched, the thoughts in your head, the anger or offense you felt, the clothes you wore and how you felt in them, the rush of time... I have begun to realize this pattern in my life, though not a consistent pattern, of doing these very things mentioned.  Sometimes I find I walk away from precious moments in life remembering things and events, but not remembering faces.  It is a sinking feeling to have no recollection of looking in a person's eyes, remembering their laugh, their responses and expressions, their joy and pain or the history they may have shared.

Then I realize that I sometimes fear people.  Fear real connection between human beings.  Sometimes I am uncomfortable with vulnerability, with honesty, with opening myself up to love wholeheartedly.  And sometimes I'm more focused on getting through the present so I can get to the future... I'm more enthralled with actual experiences than I am with the people sharing in the experience.  But that's a part of what creates the beauty of life... When I don't relish the gift of the human connection and neglect relationship and eye contact, I wind up missing the whole magnificent gift held within a moment; I find the permanence of memories easily elude me.  Then comes the breathless realization that I can never return to collect the pieces I left.

To absorb every ounce of life is the sum of it all, sights, smells, touch, laughter and people.  Life is more than just merely existing.  Our hearts were meant to engage with the people around us, not preserve ourselves from love or heartache.  Our eyes were meant to connect with each other's eyes, not avoid them for fear of exposure of truth.  I must slow down and savour each encounter; study the lines and curves of each face and hear word and emotion expressed.  Life is much better lived not alone and making the most of every opportunity and smiling with true joy, contentment and thankfulness, hoping that you can give some away to those around you.  I must know that I have much to give to others and also much to gain.  There is no need for fear, only to have freedom.  I want my life to be full of these genuine treasures, not regrets.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


In times of peril, will I prove myself cowardly or valiant?

In reflection of certain things in my past, I sometimes think I had more courage when I was younger than I do now.  Without admitting or acknowledging to myself, I think I, more often than not, avoid situations that would make me brave.  I don't like being afraid, uncomfortable or vulnerable.  I don't even look in its direction, and when I do, its a struggle.

Where do I go from here?  What do I choose: cowardice or bravery?  From the simple things to the extreme things.  Will I become paralyzed or embrace freedom?  Who will I depend on and look to: myself or my Shepherd?

I know what I have been doing... but now I must choose humbled bravery.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Current Splendour

Just a few things I've been loving recently:

  • This website: Darling Magazine and their mission
  • David Platt's sermons on Biblical Manhood and Biblical Womanhood [#'s 27 & 28]
  • The Chronicles of Narnia Books
  • The Love Saga movies 
  • Homemade fresh, crisp, cold veggie sandwiches
  • Cooking
  • Drums in Underoath's album Define the Great Line
  • India

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Sometimes while doing ordinary, everyday-life activities, I like to think of how it compares to life with Jesus Christ and my walk of faith.  I do it the most when I run.  The other night I was running on a beautiful night.  I believe the Spirit was giving me a picture of Himself.  It was a little over a week ago, so I hope I can remember everything.

As I was running, I was trying to imagine Jesus really running with me and what that would be like.  That transmitted to thinking about life with Him spiritually, but through pictures and real life images.  There are different phases, or types, if you will, while running with Christ.  [As a disclaimer, I don't think you can apply every "running" scenario to life with Jesus, nor do I think that every scenario I imagine is the finite, only way He works.  He can do much more and beyond.  These are just a few simple pictures of SOME of the ways He works.  Not in any particular order.  There is much, much more of Him to be discovered than this.]

You are running [on whatever path you imagine].  Jesus is running in front of you.  You are simply following.  You feel protected and safe.  You trust wear He goes.  You don't even have to ask questions; you just follow.  It's easier to breathe, easier to keep putting one foot in front of the other.  You know you are safe.  

After a while He drifts back a little.  Now He is running right beside you.  This is so nice.  You can talk to Him better; You can hear His voice and know what He is saying when He decides to speak.  You love to feel  His arm bump against yours as you run; it brings you comfort.  You still are not worried where He is taking you.  Sometimes He'll tell you His plans beforehand, sometimes He just lets you follow His lead.  

He tells you to keep the pace and begins to run behind you.  It feels a little strange to you.  You feel vulnerable and more exposed without Him in front of beside you.  You furrow your brow dart your eyes back and forth.  You keep looking back Him, but He tells you to look forward.  He's still calling the shots, just from behind.  Now you merely following His voice.  Once He begins to speak and tell you where to go, you are put to ease.  But... He doesn't always tell you they way in advance.  Sometimes, when there is a split in the path and He hasn't told you which way to go, you just have to aim for one direction, at times He'll let you keep going the way you chose, others He will call out the way He wants to go in the nick of time.  This is a little more difficult than you thought.  This is really starting to stretch your trust in Him.  But in your love for Him, you endure.  

All of a sudden He starts telling you directions and instructions for the time ahead.  He says, "Remember My words."  You try to sufficiently take in all He's said.  But some of it just doesn't make sense!  You keep on running ahead for what seems like hours and hours, occasionally reminding yourself of all He told you.  You come to another split in the road.  Two options: left or right.  You turn your head to look at Jesus.  He is gone.  You are confused.  He never told you He was leaving.  You slow your pace and come to a stop at the entrance of each new path.  You begin to cry.  Your tears turn into weeping and form pools of sorrow by your feet.  You remember when He said, "You must go right..."   But as you look right, the path seems to drop off,  You don't understand why He would tell you to go that way.  The left path looks pretty and safe and sure.  You struggle for a while, grunt your teeth and run to the right.  "...when you're on this path, run hard and don't stop."  

With tears streaming down your face, thousands of thoughts swim around in your mind: He is good; He is trustworthy; He gives joy and peace; He is fun; He is serious; You long for Him again, but you cling to the words He spoke before He left.  As you approach what appears to be a ledge, you close your eyes and keep running, trusting Him through the absurdity.  When you think you should start falling, you open open your eyes and notice you are running downhill.  In relief, you laugh and wonder why you ever doubted.  You keep on running longing for Jesus and why He left, all the while...

He is soaring above you.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


O, how my heart is longing.  It is longing for so many things: life, laughter, joy, beauty, simplicity, new experiences, enjoyment of life, to live life with friends, so see Sarah in December, to be home, to do more than I am, to truly know God and to live with His mindset, not mine or the world's.

I feel like I'm in anticipation for something, but I don't know what it is.

I want to long for the right things.  I don't want my heart to stray for things that will become a snare or will draw me away from purity and devotion to Christ.  I want to understand what it means to enjoy life and to see beauty in the simple things, but through His lens.  I want to experience life in Him to the fullest... whatever that means.  I want to rid myself of the perceptions I have or think I should have and the perceptions that other people have and cling to and seek out the perception of God.  How hard it seems when my mind and heart often drifts back and forth, being fickle as it is.  Sometimes it's hard to discern between the perception of God and the deception of my heart.

This is how I am today... the things that I am contemplating.  We'll see how long it remains.  It may be something completely new in a few days, something that could be contradicting these very things I am longing for.  Or at least longing in a different way.  I just hope that when the thoughts of my heart change, they change by the leading of Jesus.