Thursday, June 23, 2011

And so it begins...

Here marks the line
Where I left every good thing behind
To look ahead and 
Walk to what is better.
This is real.
No a memory erased,
Not a love forgotten.
But here marks the new beginning.
A journey.

In which my heart breaks.
The pain is untouchable,
Feels like no room for relief.
No one has the remedy
To soothe it's raging fire.

The fear rises up the walls of my mind
The smoke of it is suffocating.
I feel like I'm drowning out of water - 
Tossed up in the air,
Unsure where I'll land.

Sorrow breaches inside my chest.
Tears evade through hollow eyes.
Every word of bravery is a pretense;
Acting strong when all I can do is tremble.

I uncover the mask long enough to
Make a deep confession to the One who
Knows and formed my heart.
As I walk alone,
He opens my eyes to show that
What I feel is not truth.
My eyes move from left to right;
I see many people gathered,
Arms linked, as
Some sort of barrier,
Some sort of shield.
The link breaks before me, 
Two arms part to
Open the door to a rugged path.

There's a bright light 
Keeping me from seeing the
End of the path.
I squint, it is so radiant.
I hesitate to move,
Not wanting to leave the
Formation of support.
I take the first step,
Then pause.
My second step is slightly bigger.
I look around at the faces,
They are smiling, glowing,
Casting off a golden hue as in
Reflection from the great luminosity. 
I make eye contact with one,
In his state of elation,
He winks and says, "Go on, Child".
They are all encouraging me to
Keep moving.
Then I realize, 
I have no where else to go.
This is the path made for me. 

I look again toward the light -
It gives me unnatural strength.
Suddenly I forget all who surround me.
All hesitation has subsided and
I gain new confidence.
Now I am smiling!
My feet are moving; 
The light has filled my heart and 
I don't want to go anywhere but
Where the light is dwelling.

As I take a step on the rocky ground,
The light lets up and 
I can see that 
It doesn't last that way for long.
I can see it smoothing out.
However, I can't see very far ahead, but
I have never felt
More sure,
More safe,
More loved 
Than this moment.
The Light will show me the way and
I know He is trustworthy.
Yes, I will walk in the Light.

Here marks the new beginning:

[A Journey]

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