Thursday, October 13, 2011


O how the days swim past me.
I forget to glance at the rocks to hold on to.
You have saved me from a life of hate and
Have given me love.
I see the darkness of the waters
Yet I do not fear.
For there is a light in Your eyes
That clears the way for me.
I have a lot to be thankful for.
You have made atonement for me.
How could I ever repay?

O how time sails by me.
Though I try,
With much travail,
 I can't seem To secure the wind.
Yet You seem to stop its movement.
The shaking underneath my feet subsides.
You bring me up to safety and
Carry me home.

Guided by forgotten memories,
I sink back into wonder.
I don't remember what a great plague
You have rescued me from.
The disease of discontentment;
The trickery of dissatisfaction;
The torment of brutal lies.
Living a double life is no fantasy.
You parted the clouds and
Made a way for the sun to shine.
Now the light in Your eyes is deep in my heart.
I will not be ashamed of You,
My Forever Love.
You are,
And the truth shall not be hidden.