[I don't think it's our job to understand those things. Our minds are not made to comprehend the answer to the "Why?" or "How?" question. He does give us revelation with which our spirits testify.]
I am not even aware of the thoughts I was thinking to God, but I realized in a new way that it's not a selfish thing to believe the Lord loves me. When I believe with all my heart and openly attest to how richly the LORD loves me and takes joy in me, weak as I am, it is not in elevation to myself. It is for the GLORY OF MY FATHER! It is to broadcast that He is the one full of true unconditional love. It is to testify that everything He says in His word is true. There is nothing I can or could ever do to earn His love or make Him love me. I cannot BE good enough - there is NOTHING good in me. He is my goodness and it is because of His goodness and kindness that He loves me. I never again want to belittle or dishonour the reality of who God is. To say He is full of expressive love for me is totally glorifying to HIM, not me!
I can be confident in Him. He is the Good Shepherd who loves and genuinely cares for the welfare of His sheep. It is not a burden for Him to do all the things necessary. He NEVER grows weak or weary, but gives might to those who lack. He desires to protect me and to take care of my wounds. He disciplines me because of His love and to keep me from doing the things that bring myself harm and danger.
I am nothing but a stupid, senseless sheep, but I must trust and learn from my so, so Good Shepherd who is so diligent and careful with me. I cannot keep wandering off towards other things or looking to the example of another [I know that if and when I do these things, He will come for me], I must hone in on the One with the rod and staff, the One with the ointment, the One full of safety. I must know and hear His voice.
My heart is so full and is rejoicing in the freedom of celebrating Christ's love for me. Nothing can ever separate me.